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Navigated to Tuition, Fees, and Other Financial Information.

Statement of Policy 

Course Fees 

BYU-Pathway Worldwide does not charge course fees. 

Course Material Fees 

BYU-Pathway Worldwide does not charge course material fees. 

Methods of Payment 

BYU-Pathway Worldwide accepts eChecks, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and PayPal for payment  on a student's personal account. Students are not charged a processing fee for eChecks. Only U.S.  checking accounts are accepted for this method. A processing fee will be charged to domestic students  for all payments made using a debit card or credit card. International students will not be charged  a processing fee. Currently the processing fee is 2.75%, but is subject to change at any time.  BYU-Pathway Worldwide can only accept funds that cover a student’s tuition. If a student  overpays, BYU-Pathway Worldwide Financial Services will review the account and contact the  student to determine how any overpayment should be handled. In some cases, the funds may be set  aside for the following term or year. In other cases, the payment will be refunded to the sender.  

Definition of Critical Dates 

  • Assessment Date: Date on which classes were added to or dropped from a student’s class  schedule.  

  • Payment Deadline: Date on which tuition is due (Last Tuesday of the semester or term). Please  note that students cannot register until the previous semester or term is paid in full. 

  • Registration Deadline: Last day to register or add classes to a student’s class schedule and the last day to drop classes and receive a full tuition/fee refund (7 days after the first day of the  semester or term). Late charges on any unpaid balance of tuition/fees will be assessed after this  date.  

  • Tuition Discount Deadline: Last day to apply for Heber J. Grant discount. 

Payment on Behalf of Student 

Individuals interested in making payments on behalf of students may do so by sending a check and  following these instructions: 

  1. Checks should be made out to “BYU-Pathway Worldwide.” 

  2. Checks must be written for the exact amount of the student’s tuition. The total check amount  cannot exceed the amount of tuition currently owed.  

  3. A list should accompany the check identifying the student or students’ names, ID numbers,  and tuition amounts per student. 

  4. Send an email address with the check so that we can send a payment receipt.

  5. Checks must be drawn on a U.S. financial institution. 

  6. Checks should be sent to: 

    BYU-Pathway Worldwide 

    Attn: Finance Team 

    3 Triad Center, Suite 500 

    Salt Lake City, UT 84180-1125

Financial Hold 

A student with outstanding financial debts to BYU-Pathway Worldwide will not receive a certificate  or diploma, access official transcripts, or be able to register for courses until all amounts are paid in full.  

Full-Time Tuition Discount 

BYU-Pathway Worldwide does not provide a 12+ credit discount. 

Perpetual Education Fund 

International students who are interested in obtaining financial aid from the Perpetual Education Fund  (PEF) should consult with their local priesthood leaders. PEF guidelines and availability vary by country. 

Personal Accounts 

Each student has their own Personal Account at BYU-Pathway Worldwide where charges, payments,  deposits, and tuition reductions are recorded. Students have full access to their Personal Account  through their student portal 

Any transactions performed using the student’s ID and Password are considered to be performed by the  student. Therefore, care should be taken to safeguard this information and not disclose it to anyone  else. See "Third-Party Authorization" for information on how to authorize a third-party to make  payments on their Personal Account.  

Personal Account Statements 

All students who have an outstanding balance will receive a monthly statement via email notifying  them of any balance owing on their Personal Account. This email directs students to go to their portal to  make payments. Students are encouraged to keep their email address current at all times.  

Students are responsible for all charges on their Personal Account and should not rely on monthly  statements to remind them of payment deadlines. Students may view/print their Personal Account  Statement at any time through their student portal. 

Returned Checks/eChecks 

If a personal check or eCheck is returned by the bank for non-sufficient funds, it will be  automatically submitted to the bank a second time for payment. All items returned by the bank to BYU Pathway Worldwide will be cancelled or reversed, and appropriate service charges will be assessed as if  the payment had not been received. eChecks may also be returned if incorrect bank information is  provided. Multiple returned payments may result in BYU-Pathway Worldwide requiring future payments  by cash, credit card, or bank certified check only.  


See Tuition Reduction. 

Third-Party Authorization

(We will need a process for this once Anthology goes live. We will also need  to ensure that financial records are part of our FERPA discussion.) 

Students may authorize a third-party (parents or others) to have limited access to their Personal  Account. To grant a third-party authorization to access your Personal Account:  

In all instances, students should safeguard their student ID and password and should not share them  with anyone. Students are responsible for any transactions done online through their Personal  Account. 

Tuition Late Fee 

If students do not pay their full tuition by the Monday of the last week of the semester or term, they will  be assessed a 5% late fee on their remaining balance.  

Tuition Rates 

The tuition cost per credit varies based on a student’s country, preferred/advanced path, and Church  membership status. Tuition for members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is subsidized  by the Church. Tuition for all other students is 25% more. Tuition is calculated based on how many  credits a student is registered for per semester or term. Institute courses are  free. Visit to learn more. 

Tuition Reduction 

BYU-Pathway Worldwide offers the following tuition discounts to students: 

Heber J. Grant 

This needs-based tuition discount is named after Heber J. Grant, a former president of The Church of  Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. To be eligible to receive the tuition discount, students must be  registered for classes and complete an informational lesson. Students can access the informational  module through their student portal.  Students receive a 10%, 25%, or 50% tuition discount based on  the way they answer self-reported, needs-based questions from the module. The percentage of tuition  discount awarded may change each semester based on worldwide need.  

Mentor Bridge 

The Mentor Bridge tuition discount is a one-time, 50% tuition discount given to students who are at risk of not retaining due to financial barriers. The tuition discount is granted by a mentor; referrals from  other sources are not accepted. Students must have a 77% or higher GPA to be considered. 

Returned Missionary 

BYU-Pathway Worldwide offers a 25% Returned Missionary tuition discount to those who served a  mission within the last 5 years. The tuition discount is available to first-time, returning and continuing  students and will apply to a student’s account automatically. 

Tuition Refunds 

Students who withdraw by midnight on Day 13 of the semester or term will receive a full refund.  Students who withdraw after midnight of Day 13 and before 60% of the semester or term has passed  will receive a prorated refund. The refund percentage is calculated based on the date the student  withdraws. No refund will be issued after 60% of a semester or term has passed. In addition, BYU Pathway Worldwide reserves the right to not grant a refund to a student who is suspended or  dismissed. 

Exceptions to the Tuition Refund Policy 

BYU-Pathway Worldwide recognizes there may be situations beyond a student’s control where an  exception to the above policy may be warranted. The following exceptions will be reviewed on a case by-case basis to determine whether the situation merits an exception:  

  1. Death of an immediate family member (spouse, sibling, children, and or parents) where  continuing in school is impractical; 

  2. Medical condition requiring extended medical care where continuing school is impractical (This  provision specifically excludes conditions that are chronic illnesses that remain unchanged and  are known to the student at the time of enrollment);  

  3. Acceptance of a qualifying internship after the Registration Deadline;  

  4. Military deployment or military commitments.  

U.S. Federal Financial Aid 

BYU-Pathway Worldwide does not provide U.S. Federal Financial Aid. 

Veterans’ Education Benefits – GI Bill (U.S. Students) 

BYU-Pathway Worldwide does not provide Veterans’ Education Benefits. 


BYU-Pathway President Executive Group (PEG) 




Budget Officer 


Chief Financial Officer


This policy applies to all BYU-Pathway Worldwide students.