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Credit Hours

Statement of Policy 

BYU-Idaho, Ensign College, and BYU-Pathway Worldwide measure academic workload in credit  hours. A credit hour is a unit of measurement used to indicate the amount of instructional and learning time required to achieve the student learning outcomes of a college-level course. One credit hour typically equates to at least 3 hours of work each week of the term. 

The following types of credit are displayed on an academic transcript:  

  • Attempted: The total number of credits in which a student has registered in a term or on a  cumulative basis.  

  • Earned: The total number of credits completed with a progress grade in a term or on a  cumulative basis.  

  • Passed: The total number of credits earned that do not factor into a term or cumulative GPA. 

  • Quality: The total number of credits earned that factor into a term or cumulative GPA. 

  • Resident: The total number of credits earned from the degree-granting institution. 

  • Points: The total number of grade points earned in a term or on a cumulative basis.  

System Exchange Team Executive Group (SETEG) 


Curriculum Manager 

Curriculum Vice President 

This policy applies to all BYU-Pathway Worldwide students.