Institute – Religion Course Requirements
Statement of Policy
The Department of Seminaries and Institutes of Religion (S&I) serves as the provider of online religion courses to satisfy Religion course credit requirements for the PathwayConnect certificate and all accredited college-level online courses and programs delivered by BYU-Idaho and Ensign College through BYU-Pathway Worldwide. Institute courses delivered via BYU-Pathway Worldwide will be accepted as transfer credit to meet all college-level Religion course requirements, per existing CES policies.
The Department of Seminaries and Institutes has responsibility and provides oversight for the teaching and learning activities of the online Institute courses delivered via BYU-Pathway Worldwide. Institutes of Religion oversees:
course management and maintenance;
selection and evaluation of faculty via their internal academic governance process; and, ∙ delivery of instruction via the online systems coordinated through and supported by BYU-Pathway Worldwide.
Institute Course Requirements for Certificates and Degrees Delivered via BYU-Pathway Worldwide
Each Institute course that has traditionally been offered as a 2-hour course in other CES institution catalogs will be split into two 1-hour A and B courses in the BYU-Pathway Worldwide catalog to align with the BYU-Pathway Worldwide calendar established in the catalog and the 7- week block terms.
The following Institute courses will be offered online through BYU-Pathway Worldwide in the following sequence as provided by Institutes of Religion:
REL 250A and REL 250B: Jesus Christ and His Everlasting Gospel A (and B)
REL 275A and REL 275B: Teachings and Doctrine of the Book of Mormon A (and B)
REL 225A and REL 225B: Foundations of the Restoration A (and B)
REL 200A and REL 200B: The Eternal Family A (and B)
REL 290A and REL 290B: The Divine Gift of Forgiveness A (and B)
REL 333A and REL 333B: Teachings of Living Prophets A (and B)
REL 280A and REL 280B: Answering My Gospel Questions A (and B)
Institute Course Transfer
If a student successfully completes a Religion course from a Church Educational System (CES) Institute of Religion or other CES School, and it is taken for "CES Transfer" credit, and such credit is noted on an official Institute or University transcript, then the Religion credit earned at a CES Institute of Religion or other CES School will transfer to BYU-Pathway Worldwide to satisfy religion course credit requirements for the PathwayConnect certificate and all accredited college-level online courses and programs delivered by BYU-Idaho and Ensign College through BYU-Pathway Worldwide. Credits transferred are also subject to meeting the course requirements noted below, unless a substitution is permitted.
System Exchange Team Executive Group (SETEG)
Director of Curriculum
Curriculum Vice President
This policy applies to all BYU-Pathway Worldwide students.