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Graduation Requirements

Statement of Policy 

Graduation Requirements 

  • Meet all program requirements  

  • Minimum Grade: To satisfy a certificate or major requirement students must earn a minimum  grade of C- unless otherwise noted in the specific program requirements. To satisfy General Education, college fundamentals, elective, and College and Career Success requirements  students must earn a minimum grade of D-. A passing grade (P) in a Pass/Fail course will satisfy the applicable program requirement. 

  • Graduation Catalog: A student is responsible for meeting the institutional program requirements listed in the BYU-Pathway Worldwide Catalog in which they are enrolled. Students are subject to all other policies and procedures as outlined in the catalog for the current academic year. 

  • Resident Credits: To graduate with a bachelor’s degree a student must complete a minimum of 30 credits from an awarding institution. To graduate with an associate degree a student must complete a minimum of 15 credits from an awarding institution. To be awarded a certificate a student must complete a minimum of 6 credits in the certificate from the awarding institution. Test credits and credit for prior learning are not included as residency credits. 

  • Gathering Requirement: Students admitted as online students must successfully complete PathwayConnect or complete GE 103 as a direct admit online student. 

  • Upper Division Credit: To graduate with a bachelor’s degree, a student must complete program specific requirements of upper-division credits (300 or 400-level courses). Associate degrees do not require a minimum number of upper-division credits. 

  • Grade Point Average (GPA): To graduate with a bachelor’s or associate degree, a student must earn a cumulative grade point average of 2.0. To be awarded a certificate, a student must have a  minimum certificate grade point average of 2.0. 

  • Good Honor Code Standing: Students must be in Good Honor Code Standing to graduate from BYU-Idaho or Ensign College. Students must have a current ecclesiastical endorsement. Former students wishing to graduate but whose ecclesiastical endorsement has expired will need to submit a current endorsement before their graduation will be processed. 

System Exchange Team Executive Group (SETEG) 



Student Success Vice President 

This policy applies to all BYU-Pathway Worldwide students.