Grade Changes
Statement of Policy
After the final grade submission deadline, grades may be changed for the following reasons:
No grade was submitted by the deadline.
A calculation error was made in computing the grade.
The wrong grade was posted.
The coursework for a T (temporary) grade was completed.
An Incomplete Contract (I grade) was finalized from a prior catalog.
The previous grade was re-evaluated, but no additional work was submitted.
A grade change should not be based on the completion of additional work by the student beyond the end of the term unless the student has entered into an official incomplete grade contract before the grade submission deadline.
A submitted grade typically cannot be changed to a W (withdrawal). Students who had a non-academic emergency may file a petition for late withdrawal.
In addition to changing a student’s semester and cumulative GPAs, a grade change may alter a student’s total earned credits. A grade change may also have other positive or negative impacts including, but not limited to graduation eligibility, enrollment status, and future registration eligibility.
Grade change requests may only be submitted by the instructor or an authorized designee via the approved grade change process. Grade change requests submitted 100 days or more past the grade closure date for the semester in which the original grade was earned will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
System Exchange Team Executive Group (SETEG)
Student Success Vice President
This policy applies to all BYU-Pathway Worldwide students.