Academic Renewal
Statement of Policy
Under certain circumstances, students with poor past academic performance are permitted to petition for Academic Renewal. Academic renewal disregards previous poor academic work from BYU-Idaho or Ensign College by removing the substandard coursework from the student’s resident GPA. Academic Renewal may be applied to individual courses across multiple semesters one time during an academic career at BYU-Idaho and Ensign College and may not be reversed.
To be eligible for Academic Renewal, a student must meet the following conditions:
The student must have met all degree requirements other than the minimum cumulative GPA requirement.
The course(s) to be renewed must have a grade of C- or lower
The students must be enrolled online
If Academic Renewal is approved, the permanent academic record is annotated to indicate that the impacted course grades shall not be applied toward graduation requirements or GPA calculation. However, all work remains on the record to ensure a true and accurate academic history.
Students should be aware that other colleges or universities (e.g. graduate schools) are not obligated to honor this policy.
System Exchange Team Executive Group (SETEG)
Student Success Vice President
This policy applies to all BYU-Pathway Worldwide students.