Criminal History
Statement of Policy
This policy applies to all online BYU-Pathway Worldwide programs (EnglishConnect 3, PathwayConnect, and Online Certificates and Degrees).
BYU-Pathway Worldwide retains discretion in making or rescinding admission decisions. Applicants must indicate in the admission application if they have unresolved legal restrictions, obligations, or fines from any crime for which they have been convicted, pled guilty, or been found responsible (other than minor traffic violations). Failure to do so may result in denial of admission or dismissal from the institution.
Applicants with unresolved legal restrictions or obligations, including being listed on a sex offender registry, are generally ineligible for online programs delivered via BYU-Pathway Worldwide.
Applicants who have fully resolved all legal restrictions, obligations, and fines associated with any previous criminal convictions are not required to disclose that information on the admission application.
The admission application will ask if an applicant has been convicted, pled guilty, or been found responsible (other than minor traffic violations) for a crime AND continues to have any unresolved legal restrictions, obligations, or fines. The application will list examples such as probation, parole, listed on a registry, court fees, or other legal fines, etc.
If an applicant indicates they have unresolved legal restrictions, obligations, or fines, the applicant will be asked for the anticipated resolution date for all restrictions, obligations, and fines.
After entering the resolution date, the applicant will be given a denial decision and informed of denial reason with an invitation to apply again after all restrictions and fines are resolved.
However, if the resolution date entered by the applicant is in the past, the application system will interpret that the issues are in fact resolved as of the date entered, and the applicant will be allowed to continue in the application.
Applicants who submit an updated application, who have previously been denied admission due to unresolved legal restrictions or fines AND their previously indicated resolution date has not passed, will be held for manual review.
Applicants who submit an updated application, who have previously been denied admission due to unresolved legal restrictions or fines AND their previously indicated resolution date has passed, will be allowed to continue.
Petition and Manual Review Process
Applicants who petition their denial, or are held for manual review, will be reviewed on an individual basis. The BYU-Pathway Admissions Committee will review cases that seem meritorious for an exception.
For all crime review cases, there should be nothing expressed or implied regarding a chance for admission if an applicant does not meet admission criteria.
System Exchange Team Executive Group (SETEG)
Admissions Manager
Student Services Vice President
This policy applies to all BYU-Pathway Worldwide students.