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Academic Freedom

Statement of Policy 

BYU-Idaho, Ensign College, and BYU-Pathway Worldwide invite faculty members and students to pursue  secular knowledge in a climate of religious belief. This model consciously embraces all truth, regardless  of its source.  

Individual freedom lies at the core of both religious and academic life and is based not only on a belief in  the value of free inquiry but also on the gospel principle that humans are moral agents.  

Faculty members and students are encouraged to seek knowledge in the sacred as well as the secular; to  learn through their hearts, by the Spirit, and with their minds; and to honor both the written word of  God and continuing revelation. Faculty members and students are entrusted with individual academic  freedom and are encouraged to pursue truth according to the theories, methodologies, and practices  that characterize scholarship in various disciplines. This trust encompasses the freedom to explore a variety of ideas.  

The Board of Trustees and the academic leadership of BYU-Idaho, Ensign College, and BYU-Pathway  Worldwide expect faculty members to protect the fundamental interests and the doctrines of the  Church, to hold and be worthy to hold a temple recommend (as required by their terms of  employment), to nurture the individual faith of students and Church members in all interactions, and to  work diligently to advance the missions of the institutions. Faculty members are free to discuss and  analyze Church doctrine and policy. However, faculty members should not engage in expressions with  students privately or in public that knowingly contradict or oppose Church doctrine and policy. Faculty  members should not deliberately attack or deride the Church or its leaders. Nor should they violate the  Honor Code. 

System Exchange Team Executive Group (SETEG) 


System Liaison Officer 

System Liaison Officer 

This policy applies to all BYU-Pathway Worldwide students.